Streamline Landscaping

3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Putt – Artificial Turf

Interest in artificial turf has grown heavily in the Midwest in the past few years. The initial draw came primarily from pet owners who liked the idea of having a green lawn that was easy-to-clean, and to eliminate the concern of a muddy, torn up lawn year after year.

The interest in artificial turf is not only held by pet owners, but by individuals who enjoy a low-maintenance green lawn year round, as well as those who want to install their own putting greens for at home practice. From frisbee golf to standard golf, putting greens allow you to hone your skills from the comfort of your back yard.

So you made the choice to install artificial turf to improve your golf game, Now what? Here are 3 points of focus when practicing that will help to improve your putting game, according to Masters Putting Coach Phil Kenyon.

Skill 1: Start the Ball On Line

What does this mean? To start the ball on line is to hit the ball in line with your aimed shot. According to Phil Kenyon, “If you can develop accuracy to within 1/2 of a degree, then that is a really really elite level. As poor as 2 degrees of error in your start line and you’re going to miss the hole by 5 feet.”


Using 2 golf tees or 2 golf balls, create a goal wide enough for the golf ball to pass through.

Align your putt to aim through the gap of the goal.

Keeping the putter Square on the Ball


Strike the Ball through the Tees and gain consistency.

Skill 2: Practice Speed Control

Phil Kenyon says “If you can picture a 10′ putt with an average slope and average green speed, you’ve got less than 5% of error in terms of your initial ball speed to make a putt on your chosen line. A lot of amateurs don’t appreciate the importance of speed.”


Strike the middle of the ball. The speed will be inconsistent if not.

Include variability in your practice. Practice putting uphill, downhill, to the right, to the left, etc… You

can also use a “Fake hole” to practice your putts. Try to match the speed of your putts. Maybe aim

1″ past the fake hole, then 2″ past, or maybe practice stopping just short….

Practice varying shots with specific focuses on each shot will help you to gain consistency with your speed control which will greatly improve your putting game!

Skill 3: Reading the Green / Practice Judging Slopes

The 3rd skill to practice is green reading, the most basic aspect being identifying the slope of the ground. When the ground has a slope, your need to adjust your shot accordingly. With that in mind, here are some ways you can practice to improve this skill.


Identify Various Slopes on your Green. Standing approximately 10′ from the hole, face the hole and pay

attention to the position of your feet:

Feet Level = Straight Shot

Left Foot Lower than Right Foot = The ground will slope left so you will need to angle your

shot to the right of the hole.

Right Foot Lower than Left Foot = The ground will slope right so you will need to angle your

shot to the left of the hole.

****Consider how far off the straight linen the slope line is to adjust your angle accordingly. Pay attention to how the ball curves then move on to different slopes to develop an understanding and feel for how much a ball will break.

ex: the further the angled line is from the straight line, the more of an angle you will need to

apply in your shot.

Install Your Putting Green at the Home or Office

If you do not already have your own personal putting green, or just have questions about the installation process, Streamline Landscaping is ready to help. Contact Us today for a FREE Estimate! 708-296-4081.